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231 article(s)
PlanHub is an innovative search engine offering the easiest way to compare mobile and internet plans in Canada.

Back-to-school: Find the Best Student Internet Package

A reliable and fast internet connection is an asset for any student looking to stack the odds in their favor for academic success. With online video classes (Zoom), heavy file downloads shared connections in shared housing, and online gaming, students must be able to rely on their internet connection when it matters. Thus, for the …

Back-to-school: Best cell phone plans for students

Which phone should I get for the new academic term? is a question that is on the minds of students everywhere as they prepare for the approaching school year. Thankfully, the majority of Canadian cellular service providers provide affordable student plans. This article will help you choose the best cell phone plan for international students …

Apple forced to open the iPhone to competition in 2023

(Translation of an original PlanHub article) Apple has a year before it has to comply with European Union directives. Apple will be forced to open up the App Store, iMessage, Apple Pay, Webkit and even its Airtag feature to competition, should Canadians expect any changes? Cover image credit: Apple Are these going to be tough …

OLED, AMOLED, TFT, LCD… The different screen technologies explained

Translated from an original PlanHub article Several screen technologies coexist in our cell phones. Depending on the use, the range or even the brand, the type of display can vary considerably. We have decided to explain them to help you make the best choice when buying your phone. Image Credit: Samsung While LCD has long …