Read all about SaskTel's new digital mobile service Lum Mobile in this blogpost

SaskTel’s New Digital Mobile Service: Lüm Mobile

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SaskTel’s new digital mobile service – Lüm Mobile, came out in December 2021, and believably so, surprised many users.

Now, you must be wondering what makes this mobile service all that unique?

Their services are membership based and therefore don’t require customer service representatives, which makes them the only service provider in the country to leverage a membership model.

So all users have to do is purchase data in order to send text messages or make voice calls.    

So why did SaskTel feel the need for a new brand? 

As a matter of fact, SaskTel wanted to create something different from what they were already offering users, along with creating some buzz around it. The Canadian telecom provider believes that a lot of their users prefer managing their own online services with cheaper prices than using conventional full-service model. 

And even though Lüm Mobile is a separate entity from SaskTel, which is a crown-owned firm of the Saskatchewan government, the current staff at Sasktel is working on the service. 



Lüm Mobile – How to Sign up

So far we know that the Lüm Mobile services are designed for users looking to manage their own phone services. 

But how does one sign up? 

The answer is easy. All you need is a Saskatchewan address to avail the services. That’t it!

Sasktel’s Lum Mobile – Membership and Plans

Sasktel’s Lum Mobile has two levels of membership available at the moment. 

A three-month option would cost $50, while a full-year membership would cost $180. 

  • 2GB of data is available for $15.
  • 6GB is available for $30
  • 14GB is available for $55.
  • And 25GB is available for $80.

To give you a fair idea, 1MB of data gives you one minute of voice calls or 10 texts. 

You can top up data whenever needed, and any unused data will not expire. 

If the digital mobile service witnesses an increase in demand, they might consider adding more purchasing options, but for now, they’re sticking to what they have right now. 

Lum Mobile – Bloom with Lum

Lum Mobile is also going to be focusing on environmental initiatives. The new digital provider’s current initiative is called Bloom with Lum, where customers will receive sim packages containing seeds for wildflowers along with a note explaining the benefits of planting those seeds. 


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