An overhead view of a 5G mobile network connection across a country

Which Provider Offers the Best 5G Experience?

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5G technology is slowly becoming more accessible and widely used. As a result, customers are eager to determine which network offers the best 5G experience. Thankfully, Opensignal’s August 2021 report may yield some answers. This report ranks mobile networks based on a number of important criteria tests. For the duration of this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about Opensignal’s report, as well as the interesting results they discovered.


The Best 5G Experience – What is Opensignal?

For the past decade, Opensignal has worked towards cultivating a better understanding of mobile network connectivity. By conducting numerous tests for mobile networks around the world, their data can determine which networks are performing well, and which are struggling. Recently, they conducted two tests for the three major Canadian providers: Bell, Telus and Rogers. Opensignal conducted two tests, one for the best 5G experience, and the other for overall mobile experience. Each test consisted of seven tests: Availability, reach, video experience, gaming experience, voice app experience, download speed and upload speed.


Before we examine the results of these tests, it’s important to note that these numbers should not entirely influence your decision. If you’re thinking of switching providers, there are many more factors to consider than network performance. Thankfully, Planhub makes things very simple. Our site will compare and contrast dozens of mobile plans based on location, price and data usage within seconds. Without further ado, let’s go over the results of Opensignal’s recent report.


Which Network Offers the Best 5G Experience? – Results

According to Opensignal’s results, it was clear which network offers the best 5G experience. Rogers’ earned the winning title, while Bell and Telus tied for second. As you can see, Bell and Telus tied to beat Rogers in select categories. Video streaming and download speeds were both faster with Telus and Bell. However, Rogers was the clear victor in terms of availability, reach, gaming and voice app functionality. Due to these numerous cases where Rogers clearly outperformed its competitors, they were crowned as the overall winner.

(© Opensignal Limited)

All networks performed noticeably better than Opensignal’s last report. Since 5G technology is so new, towers are still being established across the country. Further, phones are becoming more compatible with the network. So, although these results are interesting, they could easily change over the next few months. The three brands were tied back in April. Rogers only managed to take the lead recently, so anything could change.


The Best Mobile Experience – Results

In addition to their tests of Canada’s 5G networks, they conducted a similar test for the three providers’ more accessible 4G networks. This time, the results reveal that Telus offers the best mobile experience overall. Despite falling behind the other two providers in mobile network availability, Telus won or tied to win every other category. Although network availability is a very important factor, its several unanimous victories clearly make Telus the winner.

(© Opensignal Limited)


These results may be more important to the average consumer than the 5G tests. If you’re considering a new provider, Telus has the strongest overall network performance. If you’re someone who values video streaming, gaming, downloading and uploading on data, you might want to consider a plan with Telus.


Congratulations, you’re now an expert on Canada’s best 5G experience and mobile performance. You might want to reference these results when searching for a new plan. Again, there are numerous factors at play when making such a decision. However, if you’re someone who truly cares about mobile network availability and performance, these results may be significantly important to you. At the end of the day, the decision is completely yours. We hope you found these statistics interesting or helpful, we’ll make sure to cover Opensignal’s next report in a few months!



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