A desk is crowded with books, blocks, pencils and an apple, classic back to school materials

The Best Back to School Phone Plans (2021)

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Summer is in full swing right now. Despite the hot weather and relaxing environment, students can’t get one thing out of their heads – going back to school. After the year we just had, students are especially antsy about the return to academia. For many, it will be their first time learning in person in over a year. To balance this uneasiness, companies promote countless “back to school” promotions and offers. The cell phone industry is no exception, as major providers want to find new ways to gain new customers. Thankfully, we’ll go over some of the best back to school phone plans for the upcoming academic year.



As one of the country’s largest providers for internet and mobile services, Bell is no stranger to seasonal promotions. If you’re a Bell customer thinking of getting a new plan, you should consider doing so while this promotion is still going on. Currently, they’re offering deals on plans, devices and hardware. If you buy a new phone online, you’ll save $100 with your purchase. Additionally, Bell’s offering a handful of device plans up to 60% off. If you’re interested in accessories, they’re also offering savings on Smartwatches, earbuds and more. If you end up ordering more than $50 worth of accessories, you’ll also qualify for free shipping! Overall, Bell’s back to school deals are the most diverse, and offer something for everyone.


Virgin Plus

Bell’s flanker brand Virgin Plus is also offering a few deals for the back to school season. Their primary promotion is for a bring your own phone plan. If you bring your device to Virgin, you’re eligible for 8GB of data for only $45 a month. Alternatively, if you sign up for a 6-month TV plan, you’ll receive a free Chromecast. Virgin Plus has a few other deals, but not nearly as much as Bell. However, Virgin is not known for its promotions, but their member benefits. If you’ve been thinking of becoming a member, perhaps these limited-time offers will convince you.



Fido has a few enticing deals, despite being similar to their competition. Much like Virgin Plus, if you activate a phone or buy a new device with Fido, you can sign up for a 8GB plan for $45 a month. Similarly to Bell, you can save up to $100 when purchasing a device online. Fido will waive the $50 service fee, and throw in an additional $50 credit for buying a new device online. Lastly, they’re promoting brand new iPhone 11’s for $0 down and no interest. Overall, Fido doesn’t have too many offers, but they’re worth a look if you’re a loyal customer.



Telus is currently offering some of the best back to school phone plans available. Their website is filled with promotions on plans, devices, accessories, online security, raffles and more. Just like Fido and Bell, Telus is also promoting $100 worth of saving if you purchase online. Additionally, their 20GB monthly plan is on sale for $65 a month. Or, you could end up paying only $50 for 20GB monthly data if you sign up for a family plan. On top of plans, Telus is offering multiple savings on devices, SmartHome plans, phone cases and more. We tried our best to summarize, but we’d recommend just looking at their website!



Videotron is offering a simple but interesting back to school promotion. If you bring your own phone and choose a plan with at least 10GB of data, you’ll earn one month of free service. Their website advertises this promotion alongside their 20GB plan, which costs $55 per month. So, if you choose to buy into it, you’ll get loads of data at a decent price, with one month free. This is Videotron’s only promotion for the back to school season.



As you can see, almost every major provider is trying to offer the best back to school phone plans of the season. If you have a phone that’s due for an upgrade, or have been thinking of starting a new plan, now is definitely the time to do so. If you’re in between providers or new to the industry, don’t worry. Try using Planhub to easily compare Canada’s most affordable phone plans. Once you’ve found a plan that suits you, make sure to call the provider and see what kind of back to school promotions you can gain. We at Planhub wish you the best of luck and a peaceful back to school season!



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