What is your internet score? Our new feature can help you find a new plan in mere minutes.

What Is Your Internet Score?

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Have you ever wondered about the quality of the internet in your neighbourhood? Regardless of what your plan may be, every neighbourhood has their advantages and disadvantages. Some areas offer a variety of cheap plans, while only a few expensive plans may be available in others. Fortunately, Planhub can now determine your neighbourhood’s internet score in a matter of seconds. This feature is ideal if you are planning on moving out. Instead of navigating through all the available plans in your future community, our service can give you an idea in just a few moments. Alternatively, this service is also great if you’re curious about your current neighbourhood, and want to see how it compares to others. After finding out what is your internet score, feel free to read through the rest of this informative post. We’ll discuss all the details you need to know about this new service, how to use it, how to interpret it and more. 

What Is A Good Internet Score?

Determining your personal internet score is very simple. First off, visit our new internet score page and type in your postal code. Then, click on the green arrow and you’ll be redirected. Here, you’ll see your internet score appear as a number between 0 and 100. Underneath the number, you’ll see a breakdown of your internet score into three categories: Technology, price and competition. So, what is a good internet score? Obviously, 100 represents a perfect score, so anything near 100 is a great score. On the other hand, the closer you get to 0, the more concerned you should be about your neighbourhood’s internet options. 


What Is Your Internet Score? Screenshot of Planhub Website Internet Score page
Exemple of an Internet Score

A good internet score comes from high scores in the three categories we mentioned previously: Technology, price and competition. To process your score, our service determines these three individual scores. Allow us to break down how each category is determined:

Internet Score Breakdown

Technology refers to the type of internet options available and maximum speeds available. For example, if your neighbourhood does not offer any fibre optic internet plans, its highest possible speeds will be lower than others. As a result, your area will earn a lower technology score than one that offers fibre internet. 

The price category compares the average price of internet in your area to the rest of Canada. If your local prices are similar to or below the average, you’ll earn a positive score. However, if your prices are much higher than the national average, your price score will reflect poorly.

Finally, the competition category alludes to the amount of providers in your area. If users in your neighbourhood can purchase some of the best internet plans in Canada from a number of providers, there is a healthy amount of competition. Users can choose between a number of carriers in order to find an ideal plan that suits their needs. On the other hand, a neighbourhood would receive a low competition score if there were only internet plans available from one or two providers. In this case, the provider(s) have a monopoly over the market, and customers have no choice but to use their services if they want to use the internet.

Speed Test Scores

After learning your current or potential internet score, there are still many measures you can take to find a new internet plan. First, try conducting an internet speed test for more personal results. Instead of comparing plans from your neighbourhood, this service will determine the precise speed of your current internet plan, and tell you how much you should be paying for it. Depending on your speed test scores, it could be time to consider signing up for a new internet plan. A good internet speed is a personal matter, so it’s up to you to determine whether or not you are satisfied with your results. However, if you’re paying far more than our website suggests you should be paying, we definitely recommend doing so. 


What Is Your Internet Score? Screenshot of Planhub Speed Test Page
Exemple of a Speed Test

For some reason, there is a sense of dread in regards to switching internet providers. Most users do not want to deal with the hassle, and want to remain with what is familiar to them. Unfortunately, this is how thousands of Canadians end up sticking with plans that they do not truly enjoy or need. Realistically, the hardest part about switching providers is finding a new plan that you find suitable.

Fortunately, our internet plan searching tool can help make this process as simple as possible. After answering a few basic questions, our service will provide you with a list of the greatest, most affordable plans within your region. After finding a suitable plan that matches your needs, all you need to do is sign up! Subscribe to your new plan and book the installation date if necessary. Then, call your current provider and inform them of the date which you’ll be departing. Finally, all you need to do is wait and let the two companies take care of the rest. When the time comes, you won’t even have to go a day without WiFi.


Our new internet score feature is exciting for several reasons. In addition to informing Canadians of their current situation, it is also a great way to start planning your internet search before moving out. Getting ahead can save you loads of time. While moving out, most people feel incredibly busy, and could end up signing up for the first internet plan they find! We want to make sure this doesn’t happen to you, and ensure the smoothest transition possible. We hope you’re as excited to use our new feature as we are to launch it!

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