Xplornet acquiring Swift is a great move for the company that Manitoba residents should also enjoy and support.

Xplornet Acquiring Swift: What you Should Know

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On September 9 2021, Xplornet announced its acquisition of Swift High Speed. Based in New Brunswick, Xplornet is Canada’s largest internet provider focused on rural broadband. Alternatively, Swift High Speed is an independent ISP that provides high-speed internet to communities across Southeast Manitoba. Why is a company as large as Xplornet acquiring Swift High Speed? Further, what does this mean for the future of Swift and its customers? Fortunately, we’ll go over everything you need to know about this recent acquisition throughout this article. 

Swift High Speed

Since 2004, Swift High Speed has committed itself to serving Southeast Manitoba. Their towers and internet infrastructure are more than capable of surviving the province’s harsh weather conditions. With almost 120 towers and more than 6000 customers, Swift has introduced fibre internet technology to several rural communities. Overall, Swift has earned a positive reputation across the province of Manitoba due to its powerful infrastructure and friendly customer service. Will their recent acquisition affect any of this? Fortunately, Swift customers don’t need to worry

Xplornet Acquiring Swift – What it Means for Customers

Despite the acquisition, Swift customers can still expect the quality service they have been receiving for years. The only true difference is that they will operate under the name of Xplornet rather than Swift High Speed. Further, the acquisition is resulting in Swift breaking off their employees and forming a new service called Swift Underground. This service will be entirely dedicated to fibre optic installations, and operate underneath Xplornet. This way, Xplornet acquiring Swift allows it to oversee the expansion of fibre internet service across Manitoba, while using their trusted infrastructure and service.

Why Did Xplornet Acquire Swift?

Again, why did Xplornet acquire Swift? As a huge company that serves the entire country, why would they invest in a small company focused on a specific area of Manitoba? The answer is simple. Like many other larger providers, Xplornet has invested a lot of money towards expanding Canada’s internet infrastructure. More specifically, they have pledged around $40 million towards bringing fibre optic internet technology and 5G towers to rural Manitoba. By focusing on rural Manitoba, they will eventually bring the entire region into a new era of technology. 

After the COVID-19 pandemic forced us indoors for over a year, internet consumers and providers around the world realized how necessary a high-speed internet connection is. While countless Canadians were forced to work and attend school from home, the country realized that rapid internet speeds were no longer a luxury, but a necessity. As a result, huge companies like Bell and Telus have announced massive investments in order to bring high-speed internet to rural communities across Canada. In some cases, even federal and provincial governments have donated towards the cause. Like most other companies, Xplornet wants to equip the entire country with adequate technology. This way, we’ll be prepared in case another devastating event forces us all indoors. 


While Xplornet acquiring Swift may raise some eyebrows, it is truly nothing to worry about. First off, all Swift High Speed customers will experience no changes whatsoever, and be able to continue enjoying their service without any unexpected surprises. Further, the reasoning behind the acquisition seems to be for Manitoba’s best interests. By investing large amounts of money towards improved internet access, Xplornet is taking one step closer towards creating a fully connected Canada. If you’ve been struggling with finding the right internet plan, make sure to try out Planhub’s internet comparison tool. This web page allows you to easily compare the country’s cheapest and fastest internet plans, ensuring you can find the perfect one for you. 

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