Phone plan

Best Phone Plans Canada (2024)

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Selecting the best Internet or cell phone plan can be challenging. We are therefore aware of the challenges and annoyances related to this search. PlanHub constantly provides you with the best and most economical Internet and phone plans in an effort to make this process easier.

Indeed, we update a list of the best plans in Canada and Quebec every month, leveraging our knowledge to help you understand the current market. Trust PlanHub to help you choose the best plan and start enjoying a great phone experience right away.

Read our article to find out more about our choices for the top cell phone plans available in Canada. We’ll go over some key considerations to make when searching for a new plan before revealing the best cell phone plan rankings for Quebec, Ontario, and other Canadian provinces.

First Steps: What to Consider

It can be difficult to find a cost-effective cell phone plan that suits your requirements. It can seem like a difficult process to go through numerous offers, carefully consider special offers, and interpret the fine print on the websites of different providers. It follows that many Canadians choose pricey plans with features they don’t even need, which is not surprising. This is the point at which PlanHub’s intervention is crucial. We search all cell phone plans available on the market, including those from Bell, Rogers, and Telus, to find the best cell phone deal in Quebec that meets your specific requirements.


We have spent numerous hours assisting Canadians in finding the most affordable mobile plans. To assist you in selecting the best cell phone plan for your needs, our convenient search tool compares all mobile plans currently available in your province.

In this article, we will outline the best mobile plan deals for 2023 in Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia, and throughout Canada.

First Steps: What to Consider

What province you live in

Bell, Rogers, and Telus are Canada’s three major telecommunications companies, providing phone services and mobile network access through their widespread cell towers. However, having national coverage does not mean that choosing one of their plans is the only advantageous option.

According to a recent study conducted by the Competition Bureau of Canada, cell phone plans offered by these three major companies were up to 35 to 40% more expensive in provinces with a fourth major carrier. To find the best cell phone deal in Quebec, having a fourth competitor, such as Vidéotron in Quebec or SaskTel in Saskatchewan, may provide you with more favorable offers in your province than the rest of the country.

Your usage and needs

The most important factor to consider when selecting a mobile plan is its suitability for your specific needs. Many Canadians exaggerate their requirements for cell phone plans, causing them to overspend. Underestimating your needs, on the other hand, can result in insufficient coverage or substantial fines for exceeding data limits. Both situations aren’t ideal. As a result, it is critical to strike a fair balance by carefully assessing your needs and selecting a plan that provides the appropriate amount of services while avoiding unnecessary costs and unpleasant restrictions.

To monitor your data usage on an iOS phone:

-Open Settings > Cellular > Scroll down until you find Cellular Data to see exactly how much data each app is using up.


To monitor your data usage on an Android phone:

-Open Settings > Wireless & Networks > Mobile Data Usage > Scroll down to see a list of your apps and how much data each one uses.

It is important to keep these two criteria under consideration when selecting the right mobile plan for you. Now that you are aware of their importance, we can dive into a comparison of Canada’s best cell phone plans.

Your provider history

Your provider’s history is also an important factor to consider. Because everyone has different experiences, this problem is unique and requires a personalized solution. That being said, what aspects of your professional experience should you consider before selecting a new plan?

The most important factor is overall satisfaction. Are you satisfied with your current provider or dissatisfied with their prices and customer service? Other considerations include the length of your relationship with the provider and the recognition of your loyalty via benefits.

Furthermore, do you work for a large telecommunications service provider or a small independent company?

If you are dissatisfied with a large company’s customer service and feel underserved, you may want to consider a smaller business. On the other hand, if you are currently with an independent company and are dissatisfied with its network coverage and overall performance, you should consider switching to one of the major providers.”

By answering these questions, you can determine whether you want to stay with your current provider or explore new options. And, before you decide on a provider, make sure to read the reviews on the PlanHub website to see what other customers have said. 

Now that you know what factors to consider, you should be ready for the next step. After answering all of these questions, you’re ready to start your search for the best cell phone plan in Quebec and Canada.

Best Cell Phone Plans Canada: Quebec

Residents of Quebec have numerous options with some of the best cell phone plans in Canada. Additionally, Quebecois can benefit from a wide range of exclusive deals and promotions not available in the rest of Canada. You might find the best cell phone deal in Quebec among the following options:

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Best Cell Phone Plans Ontario

Once again, this is simply a list of the best mobile plans that Ontario residents can find when browsing the internet. Fortunately, most brands offer multiple promotions and exclusive offers to Ontario residents. Make sure to click on “More information” to learn more about these four low-cost plans and what kind of exclusive offer awaits you!

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Unfortunately, Ontario has some of the highest cellular rates in the country. Consumers in Ontario may face some of the highest phone fees in the world, as Canadians already pay some of the highest rates worldwide! Obviously, there are still inexpensive phone plans available, but they lack many benefits and are becoming increasingly scarce.
Several options are available to you if you need an affordable plan. To begin with, consider switching to a pay-as-you-go plan. This way, you can try out multiple plans from different providers until you find the one that suits you best. This type of arrangement also avoids long-term contracts, which can be discouraging and restrictive.


Furthermore, if you’ve been with your provider for years and notice a price increase, call them and discuss it with them. They may offer you a free promotion or bonus data for your current plan if you express your loyalty to the company and dissatisfaction with the price increase. It is always a good idea to contact your provider because there is no harm in doing so. Finally, remember that PlanHub is here to help you through this difficult journey. We’re here to help, whether you want to compare the cheapest plans in Ontario or read our helpful blogs.

Best Mobile Plans Canada: National Scale

Now that we’ve discussed some of the best options for Quebec and Ontario residents, let’s take a look at the overall picture. In the final section of the article, we will discuss some of the best mobile plans available in Canada. These phone plans should be available in all provinces, so you can buy them regardless of where you live. These plans are more comprehensive and come from some of the most dependable telecommunications providers in the country, despite being more expensive. 

Again, it’s critical to remember the numerous benefits and deals that come with each of these mobile plans. Bell and Rogers’ offers may appeal to many families looking for a group plan, but Telus’ plan may not be suitable for users with high data usage. If you and some family members subscribe to the same provider, shared unlimited data plans provide numerous benefits. Companies will reward you with bonus data if you add more devices to your plan or buy additional accessories from them.

 Best Mobile Phone Plan in Quebec and Canada – Our Conclusion

Keep in mind that our article focuses on traditional calling, texting, and data plans for people who already own a mobile device. If you’re looking for a plan for new phones, data-only, or something else, think again. When purchasing a new plan and a brand new smartphone, providers offer a wide range of deals. If that’s what you’re looking for, we have it! 

The best cell phone plans in Quebec and Canada are determined by your needs and preferences. What appears to be ideal for one person may not suit another, and so on. We hope that by reading this article and using PlanHub’s various resources, you are getting closer to finding the best mobile plan for you. Check our website on a regular basis to find the best phone plans in the country and the lowest prices for Canadians.

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