A home theatre system with a huge TV screen stretching along the wall, reminiscent of the LG DVLED home cinema models.

LG DVLED Home Cinema: The $2 Million Television

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Although cable is becoming less popular among homes, the need for a large and beautiful television set still remains in high demand. Currently, the TV market is highly competitive. As technology rapidly develops, the world’s major brands are scrambling to produce the most impressive television sets. 4K HDR TVs are the current industry standard, with OLED or QLED lighting displays. However, even though 4K televisions are quite new, companies have already started producing 8K TVs. Even more impressive is the recently announced LG DVLED Home Cinema Display. This television is offered at a few different sizes and price points, with the most high-end version measuring 325 inches and costing over $2 million. During this post, we’ll discuss everything there is to know about this massive new television from LG.

What Is DVLED?

Before discussing the different televisions offered by LG, you may be asking: What is DVLED? Even if you’re familiar with terminology like LCD, LED, OLED and more, it’s possible that you still haven’t heard about DVLED. DVLED stands for direct view light-emitting diode. So, it’s an LED display that is meant to be viewed directly no matter your surrounding environment.

According to LG’s website, DVLED allows for a more immersive viewing experience, with sharper details and colour contrast blown up on a massive screen. As a result, these TVs excel as home theatre systems, and are suited for all kinds of weather conditions. Viewers can absorb themselves in a movie even when it’s bright outside, without any noticeable glare or disruptions. DVLED are even recommended as outdoor television sets due to their crisp display and immersive display. 


Now that you understand what makes DVLED technology so special, you are ready to learn about LG’s current lineup of DVLED models. They currently offer five television sets: Two 2K TVs, two 4K TVs and one 8K TV. First and foremost, let’s take a look at their two 2K television sets:


2K Full HD

Kicking off LG’s DVLED lineup is their 2K Full HD TV. This model is offered in four different sizes (81”, 108”, 136” or 163”). Even LG’s smallest DVLED television is huge, and takes up loads of wall space. Whether you enjoy the latest streaming services or frequent online gaming, this is a great place to start. Despite the 2K resolution not being as detailed as 4K or 8K, LG still promises that these television sets are captivating and incredibly realistic. Due to the benefits of DVLED technology, even their cheapest models are capable of providing an uninterrupted and immersive viewing experience in all kinds of lighting conditions.

If paired with a strong stereo system, all of LG’s 2K Full HD TVs will bring your viewing experience to the next level. The borderless, thin display blends into the wall seamlessly, and makes it feel as if your film, show or video game fits perfectly within your house. However, LG did not stop there. Their Ultra Stretch models truly stand out from their Full HD models, and offer the optimal LG DVLED home cinema experience. 


Dual 2K Ultra Stretch

LG’s Dual 2K Ultra Stretch is probably one of the widest televisions you have ever seen. Measuring at 196 inches wide, it might be hard finding the wall space for it! Regardless, the Ultra Stretch allows for a double-wide viewing experience. So, on one hand, you could enjoy a huge, mesmerizing viewing of a brand new sci-fi movie. Or, you could use the television’s sheer length to display two different things at once. If you’re a sports fan, you’ll never have to miss out on a game. Watch several sports channels simultaneously so you always stay in the loop. During the Olympics, you could display multiple different events at once without missing out. Want to feel more immersed in music? Play a concert video from two different feeds. It will feel as if the performer is coming right out of your television and performing in your home.

Overall, the Dual 2K Ultra Stretch offers all kinds of possibilities. The Ultra Stretch model truly separates LG from the competition, and provides a DVLED home cinema experience like no other. Even if 2K resolution is less impressive than the industry standard, the sheer size of the Dual 2K Ultra Stretch is highly immersive and unlike anything offered by most 4K competitors. If you’re not a resolution snob and want a super wide television set, you might find exactly what you need from the Dual 2K Ultra Stretch.


4K DVLED Home Cinemas

LG’s 4K DVLED home cinemas combine sharp resolution with a huge display. With these television sets, you’ll experience a huge TV that takes up loads of space. In exchange, your living room will be filled with a hyper-realistic display, pulling you into the world of your favourite movies. Currently, their 4K DVLED TVs are offered in two different models and various sizes:


4K Full HD

The 4K Full HD DVLED television comes in four different sizes (163”, 217”, 271” or 325”). So, the 4K Full HD’s smallest model is the same size as the 2K Full HD’s largest model. As LG puts it, this lineup of TVs is for users who simply want more of a good thing. The 4K Full HD home cinema TV sets do everything better than their 2K counterparts. Its bigger size allows for a display that is twice as vivid.

With a 4K DVLED television set, you can bring a real attention-grabber into your household. No matter who enters your viewing room, they will immediately notice your television set. Due to its ability to display crisp visuals even when it’s bright outside, it will never go unnoticed. Further, the fact that its smallest model is still a whopping 163 inches wide means that it will truly bring your whole room together. The viewing room is the heart and soul of the household, and a 4K Full HD television from LG ensures that your family will spend countless hours immersed in viewing and gaming.


Dual 4K Ultra Stretch

Just like the 2K models, the Dual 4K Ultra Stretch offers the optimal viewing experience with an incredibly wide display. The 4K Ultra Stretch is available at either 294 inches or a massive 393 inches. As a much wider alternative to the 2K Ultra Stretch, this model allows for even more possibilities. With its insane size and higher definition display, users could display multiple nature documentaries at once. The screen could be filled up with different feeds of high-quality footage, filling your living room with imagery of the jungle. Due to its significant improvements upon the 2K version, the 4K Ultra Stretch is undoubtedly the best “stretch TV” currently available. If you want an absolutely massive television that allows you to view several channels at once, LG’s 4K Ultra Stretch is a perfect fit for you.

8K Ultra HD Home Cinema

Finally, the crown jewel of LG’s DVLED home cinema line is their 8K Ultra HD television. Without a doubt, this is one of the largest, craziest and most expensive televisions money can buy. The 8K resolution is displayed on a massive 325” screen which weighs over 2000 pounds. Taking up a huge portion of your wall, the 8k Ultra HD television essentially functions as a theatre right in your home. However, with the lack of projector, the display will be even more detailed than in a cinema. Of course, this doesn’t come at a low price. If you can even find a wall big enough to set this TV up, you can expect to pay $2.14 million for it. Obviously, this is not accessible to most households. Still, the fact that LG is selling a piece of technology at such a price is very interesting.

Could DVLED be the newest trend among the TV industry? With its ability to provide a cinematic feel without a projector, it could become very popular over the next few years. If you want to get ahead of the curve, make sure to check out LG’s catalogue and order a DVLED home cinema today. All these televisions include a promising new technology with an awesome display, so you truly cannot go wrong no matter which model you choose. Just make sure to host lots of viewing parties with your new DVLED television!


With LG leading the trend, we are excited to see how DVLED technology develops and hope it becomes more accessible. While accessibility is not its main concern, an LG DVLED home cinema is still a uniquely awesome experience. With this line, LG is offering amazing TVs that offer vivid displays at unrivalled sizes. If you have the space and funds for one of their massive televisions, we’d definitely recommend getting ahead of the curve. Otherwise, you could still consider one of their Full HD models to experience the latest television technology for yourself.


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